

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


So everyone is always asking me, "What do you do all day, now that you are retired?".   I always try to answer, "Everything I wanted to do when I was working, but could not fit it in".  I am usually busy from the time I get up until that short time after supper, when I am usually exhausted.  It is great to spend all day with your best friend, I mean Barry, (even though we do spend a lot of time away from each other since he gets up at 10:00 AM and I get up at 5:00 AM - Makes for a great retirement and marriage). I love to improve on my websites and help others build theirs. I have three businesses. ADVOCARE, which proves to be rather productive.  I love learning about nutrition and keeping healthy and helping others do the same. The photography business, which is more of a hobby, also can prove to be productive at times.  I try to exercise daily.  The third business is E-Bay.  Very time consuming, but I love getting bargains and making a profit.  I tote grandkids to school and home almost daily, and available for my "over the river" grandkids to babysit at the drop of a dime.  I love my grandbabies who are all growing up so fast.  I help my big grandson try to find purpose in life, helping him publish his book, and encouraging him to write another.   I enjoy the many luncheons with my past coworkers.  I love the fact that I can sit and relax and read a great book if I want. Spring/Summer time proves to be even busier, with gardening and walking in the woods.  I tried growing herbs last year and dried them.   Camping with family is always fun.  I always try to find a new craft, like the OLIBELLA hand and body scrub, which I still make for friends and family.  My last disaster was the concrete flower bird baths.  The new one that I am interested in hub cap flowers.  (I will post pictures later).  My last endeavor is joining the choir.  I love my choir and church.  The best thing about being retired is that I do not have to do any of the above if I don't want to. 

Check out my grandson's book on Amazon.  "Spilt Inklings"


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like good fun!! It's so true when you retirer there are not enough hours in the day. I love the part that I do not have to do anything if I don't want and get up anytime of the day I want.Enjoy, enjoy!!!
