

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Restored photos from my mother, Josephine Dion Loeffler,  for your enjoyment is below.  Memories forever........

Click on Shutterfly below.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Retired Hunting

Forget all you heard about elaborate tree stands!  This is the ultimate.  Just go out your front door and boom; kill your supper!  Here is my Barry doing a little hunting on Saturday, November 20, 2010. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010



Click on the site below to put your order in.  You will be called within 24 hours. 


Saturday, August 14, 2010


Olibella Salt Scrub is made from imported salts and olive oil. The salts from the Mediterranean sea containing 21 minerals. These minerals have been known for their healing properties. Olive oil was discovered over 5,000 years ago by the Egyptions for skin care. It is the ancient secret of the beautiful Mediterranean women. Olibella contains only all natural ingredients, hypoallergenic and has antioxidants. Olibella is a SPECIAL formula of olive oil, sea salts whch have been claimed to help the itch of eczema and the itch of bites, poison ivy, etc. Each product contains a unique oil/fragrence that promotes its own "special" powers that leaves your skin feeling incredibly soft. You will have a pschological feeling of well-being. DIRECTIONS: Are included with each order wrapped individually with nylon netting that can be used in your bath.

Olibella was inspired by Olivia + Bella = OLIBELLA
Two little Italian beauties that I love

Thursday, August 12, 2010


The definition of disability is……..

the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness...... So

Are we not all disabled in some form or another?
I am disabled when it comes to changing a tire on a car. I am physically unable to change a tire. I know how to do it, but I physically cannot turn the lug nuts on the wheel. So Barry says if I were stopped on a back road in the woods and the boogie man was coming to get me, that I would be able to change the tire. I do not think so, but I think I would have the ability to hit the boogie man over the head with the tire wrench. Barry has also informed me that most people do not realize that if you use your feet to get the lug nuts off, it works. See, this is new to me...... I do have the ability to learn, but do you think my feet could really get those lug nuts off before the boogie man gets me? I will use the tire wrench to hit him over the head. Oh yes, I forgot, there is a gun in the glove compartment.

But all kidding aside, my grandson, Sky, who is starting College for the 3rd time, gave me his profound quote......."The only time you are truly disabled is when you use your disability as an excuse"  by Sky Rains. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened."

Monday, August 9, 2010


Thoughts for Monday: Monday, the “New Day of Rest”

I think that Monday should be the new “day of rest”. I know I am going to make it MY “day of rest”. Sundays always should include going to church. The modern family tries to cram in a week’s worth of fun on Sunday.

On Saturdays the modern family has to get housework done, doctors appointments and anything else that could not be done during the working week hours.

Sunday is impacted with back-breaking, strenuous, exhausting, wholesome, jam-packed, fulfilling, satisfying, rewarding fun. Whoa! No wonder why everyone hates Mondays so much. Having to go to work after that, would make anyone hate Mondays.

Ahh, but alas, to all my mutual retirees out there, I declare Mondays as the new “day of rest”. You will catch me doing almost nothing today. I say almost, as I will have to make myself and my hubby something to eat and go to the bathroom. (Should I order carryout?) I deserve it! After all those SUNDAYS, on Mondays I will read, watch my favorite recorded movies, check facebook, email, etc……I love Mondays.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I am free, I am retired, and sometimes reeeeeeeeeeeel tired!  I am tired of trying to work at losing weight.  It used to be so easy, but once that number "50" hits, the easy is gone.  But then Blondina found Advocare for me.  Now it is easy again.  The weight comes off without effort.  Most of all it is easy to maintain.  That is all I care about these days.  I have too much fun to look forward to, without worrying about weight or losing it.  Oh and about the most important thing IN this retired life, is ENERGY........ I want ENERGY........I have SPARK.......now I have ENERGY.  SPARK = ENERGY. 

Free to be Retired


Somebody stop me! No, don't.  It is just that I can't find the craft that I am a master of.  I am the ultimate "JACK OF ALL TRADES, MASTER OF NONE".  Right now I am into soap making, but I am driving myself crazy.  I can't just make one kind of soap and be a master of it.  My mind goes crazy.  I wake up in the morning thinking of a new kinds of soap to make.  I have made ice cream soap, salt scrub soap, cinnamon soap, heart soap, hand soap (shaped in a hand) and then after I make the hand soap, I think I can add jewelry and it just goes on and on and on. That is why I said somebody stop me!  But I am having fun.  I do not have enough hours in the day to do what I want to do.  No, that is not right.  I do not have enough energy to finish what I want to do in one day.  I just hope I live long enough to finish all the crafts and projects I want to do.  I will try to post my crafts so that you can see what Retired Rozann has been doing.